
Becoming O.P is here to help driven individuals find out who they are, what they are here to do and how to get there.

The purpose of ‘this ‘Becoming O.P’ is to connect with people so that, together, we can learn, be better and succeed.

Key values include authenticity, courage, pragmatism, fortitude and family.

Recent Blogs


“Recalling moments that motivate you, looking back, that really energised me.”

From the ‘Analysis – Values’ section of the Success Framework.

E. Rees

Rob has been a colleague for several years, and has always been helpful in his coaching and mentoring. At times making me think about myself.

As an IT Trainer myself, Rob has been so helpfull with stage craft in the training room, including different methods for maintaining enthiasm of the trainees. Attempting to describe Rob in one word is difficult, but Enthusiastic, Knowledgable, Positive, Always helpful are ‘one word’ i would use.
